While mucus is healthy for the body, it is healthy only to a certain extent. There are many mucus producing food that you will want to avoid. It is advisable to follow an anti-mucus diet for a healthy life and body. You need to keep a check on what you’re eating.
What is mucus?
Mucus is the gooey substance that comes out of the nose whenever we’ve caught a cough and cold. Occasionally, you may also notice mucus down your throat. A limited amount of mucus can be beneficial for your body. But, too much of it can be harmful because it can trap the germs and not allow them to move out of the body.
The mucus build-up of the body increases, especially when you have respiratory disorders like asthma, bronchitis, cold, and cough. This is mostly because, during this time, the body builds up more mucus than usual.
How to remove mucus from the lungs naturally?
If you’re searching for the answer for how to remove mucus from the lungs naturally, you’re in the right place. There are certain mucus reducing foods that you need to consume to treat the mucus.
It is advisable to clear the mucus from the body by adopting a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle. You may need to visit your doctor to find out the most potent ways for deleting excessive mucus from the body. Excessive mucus build-up can lead to more germs and bacteria entering the nasal passages. Hence, you may want to adopt natural ways to ensure the complete removal of mucus from the lungs.
Which mucus producing food to avoid?
While there are several mucus reducing foods, you need to know what mucus producing food you need to avoid. It is your first step towards adopting a healthy lifestyle.
Here’s a complete list of all the mucus producing food that you need to avoid.
Dairy Products
Dairy products do not directly contribute to the production of mucus. However, they tend to make the mucus thick. If you feel congested down your throat or feel your nasal passage is blocked, you will need to avoid the consumption of milk-based products.

Consuming milk-based or dairy products when you’re already suffering from a blockage can be extremely harmful to you. Not only does it make your saliva and mucus thick, but it also makes it difficult for you to swallow food.
Did you know that caffeine-containing substances also trigger mucus build-up? Soft drinks, tea, and coffee, are some of the main sources of caffeine. Their diuretic nature will eventually lead to the body being dehydrated. Moreover, dehydration leads to a thick mucus formation in the body. Hence, it is advisable to avoid the consumption of caffeine when you’re already suffering from problems. Instead, you should consider drinking water that can be more beneficial for you.
Food allergens
All of us are allergic to some food. If you are allergic to some food, mucus production will be triggered more. Moreover, you will also face more mucus production than the normal rate. This is your body’s natural reaction.
You probably have noticed a pattern by now. If you did, then it is time that you are careful with what you consume. Some of the common food items that most of the population is allergic to include soy products, gluten, dairy products, and nuts.
Meat and egg
Meat and egg are rich in protein. Hence, they may contribute to the build-up of mucus in the throat. While you may think that every non-vegetarian item leads to mucus build-up, it doesn’t. You can safely consume poultry and fish. However, you need to avoid red meat as it can lead to unwanted and excessive build-up of mucus.
Instead of processed foods, you should consider choosing organic meat. Several grocery shops and online grocery stores sell organic meat. Hence, you may want to consider getting your essential items from there.
It is a natural fact that fat build-up in the body will lead to excessive production of mucus. Oils and fats derived from animal products like omega-6 fatty acids, lard, and butter are extremely rich. Hence, consumption of these items will lead to higher production of mucus. If you are suffering from a cold and cough, you should consider avoiding the consumption of fats. In times like these, you should consume vegetable oils only. Vegetable oils are lighter compared to fatty oils. Hence, they will lead to lesser mucus production.
Nuts and grain
People who are allergic to nuts and grains are more prone to excessive mucus build-up than those who aren’t. However, you can surely consume roasted nuts. It would help if you avoided the consumption of oily nuts.

Seeds, rice, oatmeal and legumes will lead to more mucus production. Moreover, delicious dishes like bread, cereals and pasta will lead to more production of mucus.
Foods rich in histamine
Foods rich in histamine may also lead to more mucus production. Histamine makes the body capable of fighting off allergies. If you aren’t well, you should avoid the consumption of foods that are rich in histamine. This is mostly because the consumption of histamine-rich foods will only lead to more mucus production in the body.
Therefore, the foods rich in mucus that you need to avoid include yoghurt, dried fruits, spinach, avocado, mushroom, fermented foods and vinegar. Nonetheless, it would help if you also avoided the consumption of papayas, pineapples, chocolate, strawberries and bananas. Although these foods aren’t rich in histamine, they can trigger allergic reactions and, eventually, more mucus build-up.
What are the mucus reducing foods?
Now that you have an idea about foods that trigger mucus production, you should also know foods that reduce mucus.
Ginger is the king of foods that contribute to reducing mucus. Apart from stopping mucus production, it helps to get rid of mucus completely.
Honey is antibacterial in nature. Hence, it can help to reduce mucus and cures irritated respiratory passages.
Onion is pungent, which helps to make it one of the best choices for clearing mucus.
You need to avoid mucus producing food to stay in the best of your health. It is advisable to follow a proper and healthy diet to stay at the forefront. Mucus build-up is not at all healthy for the body.