4 Reasons Why SMS Is Still A Powerful Tool for Marketing in 2023

4 Reasons Why SMS Is Still A Powerful Tool for Marketing in 2023

You may have changed your phone number or even stopped using cell phones, but the power of text messages is not going away any time soon. In fact, the ways in which we communicate via text messages have only increased in the past few years which makes the SMS a Powerful Tool for Marketing. 

What’s more, with so many factors driving demand for messaging services, it’s still a powerful tool for marketing in 2023. Here are five compelling reasons why you should continue investing in SMS marketing campaigns using SMS API Canada.

Text Message Marketing Is Still a Powerful Tool for Marketing in 2023

The reasons why text messaging is still a powerful marketing tool in 2023 are many, but the most significant one is a novelty. Humans are flexible creatures, and we respond well to novelty. This is especially true when it comes to our emotions.

We love novelty and changeability, and this is something marketers can tap into through text messaging. There is a reason why the majority of brand communications today are transmitted via text message.

Mobile Advertising Will Dominate the Ad Industry in the Future

As mobile devices become more common and the mobile advertising industry grows, so will the need for these types of messages. According to a report released in May of this year, by 2021, consumers will use their mobile devices to receive an average of three billion ads per year.

With this in mind, it’s not surprising that marketers are turning to other long-established marketing channels, like mail, to take advantage of the growing need for advertising. In fact, the report goes on to state that consumers will continue to use other traditional advertising channels, like television, only in smaller doses.

Texting is still a viable way to advertise in both large and small businesses

One of the best things about text messages is that they are still widely used by both small and large businesses. With this in mind, it’s not a surprise that texting marketing is still very much a part of the business model of many large companies.

Despite the fact that we’ve become used to seeing more and more digital ads, we still see a large percentage of our waking hours looking at our mobile devices. As such, it’s not surprising that sending out text messages is a very popular way to advertise in 2023.

According to a study, 65% of consumers said that they would be more likely to purchase a product or a service if they knew that it was being promoted by an advertiser.

Exclusive Content Is Still Highly prized by Consumers in the Future

Exclusivity is a big reason why consumers are still willing to pay for premium messages. As we’ve seen with the advancements in artificial intelligence, computers being able to recognize Speech and Text, as well as an increasing number of other types of data, consumers are becoming more open to the idea of paying for exclusive content.

This is particularly true when it comes to advertising, where consumers are willing to pay more for exclusive content that they believe will positively impact their lives.

Auctions are as Popular As Ever with Exclusivity as a Motivation for Buying

How long will it be before auctions are a thing of the past? It’s a question many in the industry are asking, but for now, they remain a powerful way to drive sales. According to a survey, consumers are more likely to purchase from brands that offer them exclusive content.

According to the report, when consumers can purchase products or services from brands that provided them with exclusive content, they are more likely to buy again and recommend the brand to others.

Blogging and Content Marketing

As you’re starting out in app or SMS marketing, you may want to try blogging and/or creating content to introduce your products and services to potential customers. Blogging is a form of content marketing, where you create blog posts or pages about your products or services, and then you allow the public to comment and rating your posts.

One of the best uses of these 2 types of marketing is in tandem with lead magnetizing techniques. For example, you can use blog comments and ratings to add extra value to your free or discounted offers. You can also use blog comments and ratings to improve your product or services, and increase brand awareness.


SMS marketing is still a powerful way to promote your brand and generate interest in your products or services. With the rise of more accessible and convenient digital marketing options. The strategies and tools used to promote products and services will change.

However, the popularity of text messages shows no signs of slowing down in 2023. As we continue to experiment with new marketing channels and techniques. We should remember that text messaging is still a useful tool for marketing in 2023.

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